Monday, February 7, 2011

D is for Dragons

Everybody has their dragons to slay. Even those people that are always so poised, perfectly groomed, and punctual. At least, that's what I have to remind myself when I see my friend looking glam in that BCBG dress I can neither squeeze into nor afford...

I've got a couple dragons. One is called Procrastination, or Crasty for short. Another one is Babyfat, whilst a third is Undomestic Goddess. I've had my pet dragons for as long as I can remember and have grown attached to them. I view them as cute little guys, kinda like Hagrid's pet Norbert. I don't want to slay them.
Sometimes though, they remind me that they're not only cute little pets; they're dragons. And they are liable to make my life pretty darn difficult...

Like now Crasty is not looking so cute. I've got an assignment due soon, and I've gotta cram one month of studying into a couple days due to my hanging out with Crasty.
The mound of laundry still unfolded from yesterday and supper's dishes still chilling in the sink are not scoring too many points for Undomestic Goddess. And this pretty extra tire around my waste is kinda not that pretty to be honest...

Maybe it's time to say Ciao to my little cuties...

1 comment:

  1. Maybe we just gotta be like Harry Potter and
    1.Use the tools we have at our disposal (we all have "wands" of some sort) and 2.Use the skills we're good at to slay those ugly beasts (we may not be able to fly broomsticks, but we can all fly high in so many different and definitely more beautiful ways to name ;)

    btw thanks for sweet comments on my blog!
